Our main goal is to offer psychological support aiming at growth and change. At the weRelate Center for Psychological Development, we offer our clients specialized guidance and a safe environment of acceptance, trust and interest so that they would manage the pressures of everyday life and the transitions of life. We help adults, couples, families, adolescents and children discover new ways of understanding reality and develop the life skills needed to deal with the following issues:
- Relationships
- Self- esteem
- Bereavement and Loss
- Stress and Depression
- Panic attacks and Phobias
- Life transitions
- Family and Divorce issues
- Anger management
- Sexual issues
- Trauma
- Career issues
- Eating disorders/ Obesity
- Parent- child relationships
- Addictive behavior
- Ageing
- Sports performance
- Communication
With a focus on Family Systemic Therapy, we aim to improve self-esteem and relationships within the family or the broader social environment. At the same time, we work to alleviate personal symptoms and manage the symptoms of loved ones. Using a combination of different forms of intervention (Neuro-Imaginative Gestalting, Neurolinguistic Programming), methods and techniques (relaxation techniques, stress management, etc.) and with influences from various schools of psychotherapy (Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, Body Psychotherapy) and in collaboration with specialized professionals our Center provides effective services through individual counseling and psychotherapy meetings, group, family and couple sessions.

Psychotherapy is a personal learning, dialogue and communication process. It aims at the individual’s understanding their feelings, perceptions, beliefs, and values as well as at effectively dealing with the various difficulties that may arise and eventually trap them.

The most common eating disorders are psychogenic anorexia, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Their main characteristics are exaggerated concern with body weight and the constant effort to control it.

Sports psychology is the understanding of how the mind influences the athlete’s performance in their chosen sport. Understanding its importance is essential to achieving better results.