From my first steps on the path of my personal development I realized the value of the team, connection and the system. I went into psychotherapy at the age of 19, looking for answers related to my personal growth, and realized that quite often through the stories of other group members, I got solutions and answers to my own questions.
I realized that our connections with other people affect every aspect of our lives on a daily basis. The way we feel, what we know, who we get married to, how often we get sick, how much money we make, whether we vote and many more, are influenced by our social bonds and their differences depending on the people we connect with. Social networks spread happiness, generosity and love. And our connections are not limited to the people we know. Beyond our own social horizon, even our friends’ connections, our friends’ friends, can trigger chain reactions that in turn affect us, like waves starting from distant places and breaking out on our own shores.
As a natural continuation of this, when I started my education and studies as a psychotherapist, the constant search for the concept of collaboration and connection was always present; the power of relationship and team. After all, the whole is universally greater than the sum of its parts.
In 2009 when in collaboration with nutritionist Nikos Manatos we created the website, we first tried to raise public awareness as to the need for a comprehensive approach to the relationship between food and emotion and a holistic approach to restoring this relationship.
Subsequently, it was out of a personal need that this website would evolve into in 2019 to communicate the services and associates of my personal office in N. Erythrea, Attica. I wanted it to go beyond the field of eating disorders and widely known form of psychotherapy. The way it was expressed was via the connection with my first degree (in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science) and my collaboration with sports teams. Once again my need for connection and system creation was there and guided the whole project.
The idea that the human brain is designed to function within large networks gradually found its application in the system of my clients, who, without being aware of it themselves, belong to a wider group all members of which proceed with a purpose and vision for themselves. Their language and communication evolve as a means of cohesion of themselves as well as maintaining the group to which they belong. The system, the relationships and the connection that I wanted to create through the scope of my work was – and is – alive before my eyes!
The drive for the implementation of the new idea stemmed from the most valuable relationships and stories of my own life. These are stories that I preserve in my own inner depths; stories of inspiration, bravery, growth and light. Those of my clients! Their bravery in entrusting me with their personal path and their relationship with me in truth, consistency and wholeheartedness gave me the strength to take the next step.
That is how I arrived at the new current -dynamic- form, which is recreated, renewed and re-operating as a multidimensional website of psychological and personal growth, inspiration and individual transformation. It is multidimensional because it includes the path of my professional education and my one love: psychotherapy. In the warm and welcoming space in 15 Ionias street the services of Psychotherapy, Eating Disorders and Sports Psychology are now accommodated.
Recently, this site has hosted a new “gate”:
TheSproutProject. The sprout of the site has the privilege to convey information that touches the soul and transforms, through hands-on personal development seminars. These inspiring personal transformation seminars are available on-demand through a specially designed innovative platform for individual psychological and spiritual development as well as networking.
Finally, a new non-profit program weRelateThroughLove. , is under construction. A training formula in the highest energy vibration: love.
* The philosophy of weRelate has been and continues to be shaped by and towards the people who, coming to the weRelate Psychological Development Center and seeking support, growth and evolution, continue to evolve and co-shape the philosophy of weRelate forever. The philosophy of weRelate is dedicated to all of these people.
By way of conclusion
One of the bravest actions we can take in the course of our lives is to embrace our life story and love ourselves with courage and compassion and to connect in a correspondingly brave way. This is how the name weRelate came about and has survived over time. I connect with myself, my story and others. I relate to meanings, to concepts and ideas that correspond to my course, my views and my vision for the future.
We do not find ourselves, we create it .. This is exactly my dream for the future and the course of this new road: to create – for ourselves – to connect and sow gratitude, generosity and love.
Wishing you all a good start and an enlightened course!!