Child Obesity

Child Obesity

Child obesity is a chronic condition which involves risks for children, either in childhood or later in adulthood. It is caused by various causes such as genetic, biological, social and psychological. Often, parents’ anxiety about their child’s nutrition and weight causes great discomfort. Motivated by genuine interest, they resort to diet solutions, forgetting a key element, that they are children with completely different needs from those of themselves. These are dangerous choices for the health and development of their children. However, an overweight child, on the one hand, is physically exhausted either by the restriction of food or by being overweight, and on the other hand, the child experiences feelings of shame and social limitation. Parents and children are trapped in a process that eventually alienates them more and more from the basic elements of family life, the relationship between them.

Our approach has a double goal! We treat each child individually, with sensitivity for the context of their own family and we make every effort to overcome the difficulties together. On the one hand, we aim at the nutritional education for the whole family with family reunions, easy-to-follow dietary guidelines, and support for successfully maintaining change. On the other hand, through individual and family sessions, we achieve the relief and discharge of both the child and the parent.

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