Psychotherapy Group

Psychotherapy Group

Psychotherapy Group

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that includes one or two therapists and a group of people ranging between four to eight members. An individual may have group therapy separately or as part of an integrated therapy program also including individual therapy. In order to join group therapy, individual sessions need to precede to assess the individual’s needs and to establish a relationship of trust with the therapeutic context.

Group therapy has many therapeutic benefits, it can act as a support network, team members can share their strengths and help other members in the team, something that can boost self-esteem and confidence. Because the group is united towards a common goal, members gain a sense of belonging and acceptance. The group includes members at different stages of the therapy process. Seeing people deal with challenges in their own way or being healed enhances hope and interpersonal learning. By interacting with other people and receiving feedback from the team and the therapist, team members can gain a greater understanding of themselves.

Our goal is that group therapy works to allow people to practice behaviors and actions within with the safety of the team. The diversity of the members, the exchange of feelings and experiences can help relieve stress, pain and guilt. Finally, teamwork should enhance therapeutic learning, provide support and guidance so that its members are aware of both individual and social responsibility.

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